RSS Feeds

First, I will explain what a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is.  The name virtually says it all.  Similar to broadcast syndication, web syndication is website information and material broadcasted to many other sites.  The most common RSSs are news feeds and forum posts.  Broadcast syndication means you can watch your favorite television show on different channels across the world.  The same is true for web syndication.  RSS allows many people keep track of their favorite websites without having to bookmark and constantly check in to see what has changed.  A RSS feed will let you know every time your favorite blogs, news feeds, and websites are updated.

A RSS feed reader works very much like to email.  You have to subscribe to an RSS first buy selecting a subscribe icon or pasting the URL into your readers subscribe field. Once you subscribe to a RSS feed, your RSS reader will let you know each time the subscripted site is updated.  Unread updates will be indicated in the reader similar to email.  Here is a video on RSS.

How might teachers use RSS in the classroom?

One of the best reasons to use RSS in the classroom is to keep up with current news events.  You could get your students interested in a current news issue and use the RSS feed to constantly keep up to date with the latest news about the subject. Students would likely show interest because it is dynamic information that is being sent to them rather than information they have to go out and get.  Another example would be a blog about or from an interesting person.  For instance, if a wildlife expert was following the progress of a family of exotic animals the children are studying, the RSS would keep them up to date on it.

What other benefits might you gain from knowing how to use RSS?

Since I teach about technology, I try to stay up to speed on current event in technology.  Without and RSS feed, I would spend hours poring over bookmarked websites trying to stay informed.  Another reason to use an RSS feed is to inspire my students in relevant discussions.  I conduct discussion forums in my classes.  Receiving the latest news about a topic of study would save me from trying to think up something new for each week’s discussion topic.  I use updated podcasts for a couple of my classes. Current information seems to promote richer discussion.

I can also use RSS feeds for my classes as a student.  If I am interested in staying informed on certain subjects, I can subscribe to RSS feeds and stay informed of potential research material.

Here is my shared RSS feed.

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