How Do We Embrace Educational Technology?

There is no doubt education needs technology. In education, we not only need to implement and have access to technology, but we also have to comprehend how technology is used and understood by the students, the teachers, and education itself. My synthesis paper outlines how students are introduced to technology differently and how that affects the way they embrace it. I will define digital natives, immigrants, and refugees and what to be aware of when educating these types of students. I will also examine how educators seem to fall into distinct categories when it comes to adopting and accepting technology into their classrooms. The four categories are the “Pathfinders,” the “Jumpstarts,” the “Too Old/Too Lates,” and the “Naysayers.” Each of these stereotypes have unique perspectives on technology that need to be recognized. Finally, I address how technology is viewed by education overall and suggest some simple steps to get everyone on board.Wordle: TechEd

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