Professional Learning Network Plan

When I was asked to create a representation of my professional learning network (LPN), I first wondered what consisted of an LPN. After sitting at the keyboard with a blinking cursor on a blank document, I realized this task was not something a person could simply start writing about. I needed to create a visual representation of what contributed to my learning. Buddhists believe we learn from our experiences and that virtually everything is an experience. I’m not a Buddhist, but I agree with this concept. Considering that, I realized creating a visual representation of everything that made up my professional learning network would be nearly impossible and an endless effort. Therefore, I decided to narrow the scope of my LPN to the digital contributions. I started the bubble image below and discovered my LPN appears to be full of contributors, but also seems to be deficient in a few areas.

For instance, I work for UCC, but have only a few avenues of learning. This could either be because there are few learning opportunities or I haven’t explored all of the opportunities available. It could also be a combination of both factors. I set the UCC bubble out away from the middle with the anticipation of having a large collage of professional learning contributors. Since this my job and source of income, it is probably a good idea for me to explore my options.

I felt my personal digital network contributed since many of my friends and colleagues add to my professional wealth. Many of them are directly connected or provide a conduit to my professional growth. If I had a job where I was in an office and the boss approached me about my social networking activities, I would attempt to convince him or her I was improving my professional learning network. I’m not sure that would fly, but I am sure the argument would be compelling to me.

I also seem to have quite a few contractors around Google. This is a good sign since Google is synonymous with information. Information is always a plus when talking about learning or education. My bubble for Boise State appears to be rather sparsely populated. This could mean I am just getting started (I hope) or it could mean I am already way behind and need to branch out. Either way, this is a sign there is more to add in the future.

As I mention the future, I should also say this plan will continue to grow. It is merely a summation of the depth my professional learning network. In truth, it is a representation of only the digital learning contributors that readily come to mind. If I thought about it, I am sure I could come up with a few more. I suspect some of these contributors will fade away as more are added over the years. As technology and priorities change, so will my professional learning network.

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